
Track Your Way to Success With 11 Top Ecommerce SEO KPIs

1.Organic Traffic & Revenue

Organic traffic or unpaid traffic is the most fundamental of all sorts of SEO KPI for any ecommerce website. Revenue is another KPI parameter saying a lot about the money made by sales through SEO. The most significant thing to keep in mind is that even a huge traffic to your website may not help you achieve your desired revenue. That is why a relevant traffic of target audience to your ecommerce website will funnel your sales and ultimately generate you revenue.

The KPI Organic Traffic can be measured and improved using Google Analytics and Search Console. Google’s Analytics tool will let you track the overall success of SEO strategy in attracting organic traffic while Search Console lets you know of the non-brand keyword visitors.

2. Assisted Organic Conversions

Assisted Organic Conversions are those actions on a website that lead to a final conversion. In ecommerce websites this is an usual thing to see because people make multiple interactions before finally purchasing a product. Google Analytics lets you see this KPI for improvising your SEO.

3. Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is the percentage at which your ecommerce website visitors are converting into customers. It is one of the most important on-site SEO metrics for a KPI. It shows how effectively you can make users interested in buying products from your website. This factor will also show the number of people who visited the ecommerce website and didn’t make any purchase. 

Such insights will help you make decisions while you plan to increase your website’s Conversion Rate. Things to keep in mind while setting a new Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategy:

-The selling price of products/services should be feasible for gaining a high conversion rate.

-The fact that your customers love purchasing your specific products from offline stores.

-A check on the popular Conversion Rate of most of your competitors in your industry.

Known more about conversion rate by watching this video,

4. Organic CLV

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the measure of total investment that a customer makes in your products, services or brand in an unlimited time period rather than just their first purchase. Since it is easier to influence an old customer to make a purchase than a new customer, CLV is considered another KPI to keep an eye on. 

5. Number of Branded & Non-Branded Keywords

For SEO professionals keeping track of keywords is a routine but while handling an ecommerce website things get astray. This is because ecommerce websites have to deal with keywords popularizing their brand, also their product and sometimes the nature of the product. With such a broad spectrum, keeping track of branded and non-branded keywords proves to be a KPI.

6. Keyword Rankings 

Keyword Rankings are the most exploited part of SEO and so act as good KPIs. These are words or product names that are searched on search engines and you would want your ecommerce website to rank for. These rankings determine the possibility of new traffic that you might be attracting and other related insights.

7. Click Through Rate

In SEO, this is an important factor where you measure the number of clicks that you get. Because a high CTR means higher traffic therefore you generate more revenue which ultimately makes it an SEO KP

Known more about click through rate by watching this video,

8. Bounce Rate

It is the rate at which people visit your website and immediately leave without any interaction. This is also an SEO KPI because it tells you that people are not interested in your website when bounce rate is high. It lets you guess if you are not targeting the right audience or your UX is poor or even help you know precious feedback on your products and their pricings.

9. Core Web Vitals

This is Google’s latest ranking factor and can be found in Google’s Search Console. Core Web Vitals are a set of features affecting the overall page experience and UX is the heart of an ecommerce website. No buyer likes to stall on a page with poor loading speed and this is where you can make revenue. 

Core Web Vitals includes Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). All of these either directly or indirectly affect the interaction and thus conversion rate of a website. 

10. Organic Return on Investment

ROI is the return you get from SEO investment. It can be an investment of money, time or labor. To do the math all you need is the total investment (most probably as a monetary value) and total revenue (also as monetary entity) and then divide this revenue by investment, you get your ROI. Return on Investment gives you insights on your SEO strategies and how changing them can vary your revenue.