
Best Practices to Optimize Website Page Speed in 2021

If you are thinking that speeding up your site’s page speed is not important? I would say, Think it again. Do you know Slow sites kill conversion rates? Do you know an extra 1-sec delay could make a huge impact on your online business?

“As per the study says, a one-second delay in page load times can decrease a customer’s satisfaction up to 16%, and 7-8% loss in conversion rates”.

No one wants to stay on websites that take a long time to load pages. It’s a sad truth!.
In Fact, it’s been observed that around 40% of people leave a site that takes more than 2-3 seconds in loading web pages.

“Almost 47% of people expect sites to load faster that means in less than 2-3 seconds”.

Therefore, cutting down a few milliseconds in a website’s page loading times is a must. Actually, it can be a primary factor in dictating success for your online business.

You can also speedup your Website by watching this video,

So, let’s move forward to see how page speed optimization is necessary and why it’s important for you to have a snappy website.

● How Minimization of HTTP calls enhances website’s Page Speed


Every time someone visits the page of your website. Their browser sends a message to your web server or you can say requests the files that contain the content of that page. These requests are nothing but HTTP requests. It has a significant impact on your website page load speed, bounce rates, SEO, and most importantly the user experience. The more HTTP requests the slow loading of pages of your site. Therefore, cutting down the HTTP requests is mandatory to boost your site’s performance.

Choosing the Best Web Hosting Option for your Business Needs


It is seen in most of the people that they want to go for the cheapest hosting option. But this is not a good selection, as many experts think web hosting is a great factor when it comes to the site’s page speed and performance. You know we are living in a digital world where people who visit your site expect everything should happen immediately. Typically, Solid-State Drives, RAM, and bandwidth are the factors that add up more speed and performance to your site’s page speed. Therefore, the selection of a reliable web host provider is necessary for you to consider.


Enable Compression


The website is full of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other files. Sometimes for a website, it is difficult to download them as they are larger. But, don’t worry this can be solved by enabling a GZIP compression. GZIP compression reduces the downloading time significantly. It can compress the big files that are larger than 150 bytes. Other than that, it improves the time to first render your pages.
“Please make a note that, all the modern browsers today support GZIP compression and they automatically process it all for HTTP requests. In fact, it can compress the size of the transferred response up to 90 %”.


Browser Caching


Browser Caching is the most vital factor used to improve a site’s page speed. No matter which browser you are using, every web browser is a kind of software that has a cache to store a lot of information including Stylesheets, images, HTML, CSS, Javascript files, and many more. Browser caching helps browsers to reload the entire page automatically. So, when the next time visitors come to your site it will take less time to download the page.

“Caching makes a user-friendly environment by providing speedy browsing and moving through your site faster”.

Media Files Optimization


Optimization of media files is crucial if you want your website’s page to load faster. Today, everyone has mobile with high-quality cameras and the modern CMS like WordPress allows us to upload images conveniently. That’s why most of the people today just click the images and upload them into it, without thinking that it is big that could affect the speed of my website.
Optimization of media files is so easy and can speed up your website’s page speed tremendously.


● Minification of HTML, CSS, JavaScript Files


At the time of website development, developers tend to use space, comments, named variables in the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for others to understand it better for further use. However, this is the drawback when we talk about serving the web pages. Because web servers and browsers don’t need well-structured code, comments, and spacing to parse file content. Here comes the minification into a picture, It minimizes the code and markup of web pages and script files. Thus, helps improve the site’s speed and accessibility.

“Fortunately, you won’t have to do it manually as there are several cache plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, that are present in the market. Get the minified version of your HTML, CSS, and Javascript files”.

How Image Optimization improves Site’s Speed


Image optimization is crucial to ensure not just for your content to look attractive, accessible, and user-friendly, but also for the site’s speed and better SEO. It is the process of creating and delivering high-quality images in the ideal format to boost user engagement on your website. Additionally, It helps search engine crawlers to index it easily.


Reduce Latency with CDN


There are different ways to speed up your site’s page speed. One way to fulfill that is none other than CDN. It is one of the best and effective ways to improve the site’s [age speed and boost user engagement. It involves a network of servers in multiple geographical locations, that shortens the path information between the web servers and your visitors. By the time any visitor comes to your site, he will get the information pulled from the closest server location.

Don’t know what is CDN? We have a video for you ,Must watch!

How Improved server Response Time increase your Site’s page speed


Reducing server time should be the primary goal for every webmaster to scale up your website speed. Server response time is the time when the client requested something from the browser and the server responded to that request.

“As per Google, the response time less than 200 ms should be aimed by the webmasters. If it’s 100 ms then it ideal”

Removal of Render-Blocking Javascripts


Render- blocking javascript and CSS files gives a negative impact when it comes to loading web pages. It slows down the website’s page speed and gives a bad user experience to your visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to remove render-blocking javascript files.

Final Words


Accelerate your website to increase the revenue of your online business. The few practices for website speed I have discussed earlier in this article will help you boost your site’s page speed, SEO rankings, and better conversions.

I think it’s time to wrap up this article. If you still have some queries, you may write to us in the comment section below.